RISING MOON invites you into the magical world of the Sailor Guardians with their short version of "Sailor Moon R - Sakihokoru hana wa barabara ni kowashite"! Experience Sailor Mercury’s intense recollection of the dramatic battle against the alien entity Fiore. With a selection of songs and dances from the Japanese musical Sera Myu, performed live and full of emotion. Join us on Sunday at 17:20 in the Blue Hall!
In their latest project, RISING MOON, a show group specialising in the famous Japanese Sailor Moon musicals (Sera Myu), brings a thrilling short version of the classic "Sailor Moon R - Dangerous Flowers" to the stage. In this adaptation, Sailor Mercury reflects on the fierce battle against Fiore, an alien being who threatened Earth with dangerous flowers.
RISING MOON presents a selection of songs and dances, performed live in Japanese, that will let you feel the magic of the 90s Sailor Moon anime era. Although the group currently consists of only a few members, they will deliver an exciting, shortened performance for you to enjoy.