Experience a comedy extravaganza at the Anime Festival Kassel 2023! The show group Omoshiro! presents "The Last Nerd" – a hilarious showdown between old anime classics and new hits. Who will come out on top? Will a single indifferent nerd determine the fate of the entire fan scene? Find out! Saturday, 7 PM, in the grand ballroom. Humor guaranteed!
It is the year 2023: The entire fan scene is in turmoil. Was everything really better in the past? An online survey is to finally clarify whether the old classics can still keep up with the new anime. The interim result: a draw. The whole of Germany has voted. All of Germany? No! A nerd blessed with disinterest has no desire to do his part. But "The Last Nerd" has done the math without the protagonists!
Omoshiro! is a Hanoverian show group that was founded in 2011 and has been performing comedy crossovers for 11 years now. Our name (Omoshiro! = fun) is absolutely our programme. Humour is our first priority.