Situasion, the captivating idol group from Japan with a dark, energetic twist, is coming to Anime Festival Kassel 2024! Experience their powerful performances that blend J-Pop with intense emotions and dynamic melodies, live in the Festsaal. Catch their concerts on Friday at 18:00, Saturday at 16:10, and Sunday at 13:50. After each concert, enjoy an exclusive autograph session. Don’t miss the chance to experience this extraordinary idol group up close!
Situasion, one of Japan’s most exciting idol groups, is set to light up Anime Festival Kassel 2024 with their powerful and emotionally charged performances! Since their debut in December 2020 in Tokyo, the five members – Ayu, Aoi Hina, Ami Hashiba, Aimi Nishino, and Aina Masuda – have captivated audiences with their unique blend of J-Pop, electronic sounds, and profound themes. Situasion combines classic idol elements with a darker, intense aesthetic, making their performances truly one-of-a-kind.
Their music, which fuses deep emotions with striking soundscapes, sets them apart from typical idol groups. With hits like "1988" and their acclaimed album SITUASIONISTA, they’ve quickly garnered a loyal fanbase. The group's high-energy live performances create an electrifying atmosphere, making Anime Festival Kassel a musical highlight.
Get ready for an immersive musical journey as Situasion performs on Friday at 18:00, Saturday at 16:10, and Sunday at 13:50 in the Festsaal. After each concert, there will be an exclusive autograph session where you can meet the members in person. Don’t miss the chance to experience this exceptional idol group live and take home a special memento!
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